Adult Faith Formation
That Man is You!
That Man is You is transforming men, families and society as it presents the vision of man fully alive! Combining the teachings of the Church and wisdom of the saints with the best research from modern science in an interactive, multimedia format, That Man is You! puts this vision within the grasp of every man. You will find cutting edge information to help you transform your life and be a true leader to your family and friends. They meet on Wednesdays at 5:45am for coffee before the 6am meeting.
Contact: Paul Foisy
Phone: (727) 871-9972
The Cornerstone Scripture Study
The Cornerstone Scripture Study is structured to meet the needs of those who may be just beginning Bible Study, as well as those who may have more familiarity with the Word of God. The goals of The Cornerstone are to foster a love of God through familiarity with Scripture, to develop or enhance a personal habit of prayer in each member, and to provide a communal experience with others on a journey of faith. They meet on Wednesday mornings.
Contact: Mary
Phone: (727) 791-3240
Walking with Purpose
Do you desire to grow in your Catholic faith and seek connection with other women in our parish community? Are you searching for something more in your life?
Walking with Purpose is a women’s Catholic bible study that aims to bring women to a closer relationship with Christ. Personal study and small group discussions each week link our everyday challenges with the solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. Whether or not you have any Bible study experience, you are welcome to join us and learn how the Scriptures apply to our everyday lives. We welcome past participants and invite new women to join us! We meet on Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm in the Conmy Center and virtually, online.
Contact: Angel Chiariello
Phone: (727) 278-4797
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
OCIA is a wonderful process of initiation into the Catholic faith. It is a journey of knowledge, faith, and heart as we explore together what it means to be Catholic. The OCIA, originally designed for adults seeking Baptism, has been adapted to welcome all over the age of seven seeking Baptism, Confirmation, and/or Eucharist. Enrollment is ongoing; the full process takes approximately one year, depending on the catechumen / candidate’s progress.
The Diocese of St. Petersburg requires that children / youth complete one full year of catechesis to be eligible for initiation. This year may be completed in the parish Faith Formation Program (regular grade level) or Catholic School.
Download the OCIA calendar HERE.
Contact: Beth Barringer