Offertory Renewal
Living Eucharist: Being Christ for Others

Living Eucharist: Being Christ for Others
All parishioners should have received a brochure introducing our “Call to Serve and Share: Living Eucharist: Being Christ for Others” stewardship initiative. This effort is very important as we move forward with the mission and vision of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish. We, as a parish family, have transformed so many lives in our community! You are invited to participate in this important program and help us respond to God’s great gift of love. Please review the brochure and prayerfully consider how you and your family can help Our Lady of Lourdes Church by financially supporting our ministries, furthering our mission, and reinforcing our future!
CLICK HERE to download the brochure.
CLICK HERE to sign up for Online Giving or update your current gift amount to Our Lady of Lourdes Parish!
Dear Friends in Christ,
Last year, Catholic churches throughout the United States began a process of “Eucharistic Revival” which continues to this day. That revival seeks to deepen our understanding of the Eucharist. It will culminate on Pentecost Sunday 2025 by sending all Catholics out to neighborhoods and beyond, sharing with others the Christ we receive in the Blessed Sacrament.
The renowned Church theologian and doctor St. Augustine (+430) taught us that we should become the Christ we receive in the Eucharist. And we should be the Christ we become for others. Our participation at Mass allows us to receive Christ sacramentally present in the Eucharist. That action forms us into the image and likeness of Christ. Finally, Mass commissions us to go out to the world and share the Christ we receive with others.
One of the ways we share Christ with others is by financially supporting the mission of our parish. Our sacrificial and generous financial support enables us to teach, transform, and commission all our parishioners to share the Good News. We do that for our youth, those preparing for the sacraments (from Baptism to Matrimony), and those who hunger for the Good News of Jesus contained in the Scriptures and teachings of the Church.
Thank you for your faithful service and financial support you have given to aid the mission of our parish. I invite you to prayerfully renew your commitment to financially support our parish by participating in our Living Eucharist: Being Christ for Others program. Your sacrificial giving allows us to serve one another and make Christ present in our community and beyond.
May God continue to bless you for your generous stewardship. And may your financial sacrifice to our parish enhance and expand our mission to share the Good News of Christ with others. Know that you have a special place in my prayers each day.
Gratefully yours in Christ,
Fr. John Tapp, Pastor
CLICK HERE to renew your commitment to Our Lady of Lourdes Parish!
Know Him
Here, united in God’s love, we are a visible sign of the body of Christ and together we do great things. Nourished by prayer and the sacraments, the members of our parish family are journeying on the path of discipleship and growing in relationship with Jesus Christ daily. We value discipleship and evangelization.
- Cornerstone Scripture Study – Bible study for men and women
- EDGE | Life Teen – Leading teens and their families into a deeper relationship with Jesus and his Church
Faith Formation – Children age 2 through grade 5 learn to live out our faith daily - Parish School – Building a strong educational foundation, rooted in the beliefs and values of the Catholic Church, for children age 3 through grade 8
- RCIA – Full initiation into the Catholic faith
- That Man Is You! – Men transform their lives to be true leaders for family and friends
- Vacation Bible School – Summer program for children
- Walking With Purpose – Bringing women to a more personal relationship with Christ
Love Him
As we strive to love one another better, good stewardship plays a key role. Stewardship isn’t a code word for financial support. Stewardship is about doing the work of Christ and engaging our many resources to further the ministry and mission of Our Lord. Remembering that everything we have is a gift from Our Creator.
- Circle of Joy – Praying through intercessory prayer for our parish family
- Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament – Adoring and honoring the Eucharistic Presence of Christ
- Hispanic Ministry – Spanish speaking prayer community
- Liturgical Ministries – Altar Servers, AV Ministry, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Gift Bearers, Greeters, Readers, and Ushers all serve and assist during the celebration of the Mass
- Music Ministry – Serving God and others in His name through music
Serve Him
We know the importance of bringing the love of God to our neighbors. Through our many ministries, and our social and service-oriented outreach programs, we put into action the truth stated so eloquently by St. John the Apostle: “If God so loved us, we also must love one another” (1 Jn 4:11).
- Giving Tree – More than 2,000 gifts delivered to the migrant farm workers’ children
- Grief Recovery – Helping with the loss of a loved one
- Knights of Columbus – Serving Kimberly Home and other outreach
- Respect Life – Fostering the sacredness of life during and after pregnancy
Ministry of Consolation – Assisting families preparing for the Funeral Mass - Ministry to the Sick – Currently serving 53 homebound individuals by taking the Eucharist and providing comfort
- Pinellas Hope Homeless Shelter – 185 residents received meals twice monthly
- St. Vincent de Paul – $82,021 in donations received; assisted 761 families with food, utilities and temporary shelter
- Twin Parish & School, Haiti – $51,000 in donations sent to Sacred Heart of Jesus
CLICK HERE to sign up for Online Giving or update your current gift amount to Our Lady of Lourdes Parish!
CLICK HERE to renew your commitment to Our Lady of Lourdes Parish!